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CRKT Birler Axe Replacement Handle, 2745-2


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This Tennessee hickory handle is the replacement handle for the Birler Axe. It's made in the USA and sealed with a lacquer coat that adds durability when you're in the backcountry.

To replace the handle, remove the old handle by carefully placing the butt of the old handle on the ground and tapping the head of the axe with a mallet until it slides down. To put the new handle on, slide the head onto the handle from the tapered end until it is seated on the thicker end of the handle. Next, hold the handle of the axe with the head down and hit the ground or a hard surface sharply several times to seat the head onto the handle. Changes in humidity may cause the head to become loose so be sure to check before use.

  • Model: CRKT2745-2 dis.
  • Manufactured by: CRKT

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