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Cold Steel Large Luzon Folding Knife, 13.5", GFN Black, 20NQX
$107.99CDN $69.99CDN
1 - 3 of 3 Reviews

Great knife. Very comfortable in hand, can be thumb opened, flipped or drawn from pocket. Blade is v
Date Added: 06/07/2022 by Carl (Alberta)

If you collect knives or are just looking for a folder with that shock and awe quality then this kni
Date Added: 01/07/2021 by Richard (Ontario)

Awesome flipper. Big,sharp, and beautiful. Comfortable in the hand and has smooth deployment. Very n
Date Added: 02/10/2019 by MICHAEL (Ohio)
1 - 3 of 3 Reviews
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5Z 3X7
Phone: (604) 875-1867
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#21 - 555 West 12th Ave.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5Z 3X7
Phone: (604) 875-1867
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