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Prometheus Lambda Solid Brass - Ruby Tip

$129.99CDN $89.99CDN

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This Lambda Top is machined from solid 1" Brass bar stock and features Prometheus' trademark precision spherical contact point, taking the humble top to a new level of precision, performance, and beauty.

Instrument Ruby is synthetic Corundum, a crystalline form of Aluminum Oxide. Corundum is a naturally occurring mineral, but instrument rubies are synthetic. This material has the distinction of being the very first gem mineral artificially created in a laboratory. A small amount of impurity (Chromium) gives ruby the distinct red color.

So why all the fuss about exotic contact points? The difference is ruby is MUCH harder than steel, and will spin more efficiently. It's like the difference between ice skating and snow skiing...both water...both fairly "solid" but which one is more efficient for sliding on? One additional feature of the Lambda Solid is you can look down the hollow stem right through the ruby.

A ruby is a ruby, and if you abuse it...it can chip. It's like a wine glass; works fine until you drop it.

Contact points cannot be repaired or replaced and are not covered by warranty. They are permanently press-fit into the spindle to achieve the desired degree of balance and accuracy.

  • Model: PROLambdaRuby
  • Manufactured by: Prometheus

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