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UC M48 Cyclone Spear, FRN Black, UC3333

$279.99CDN $169.99CDN

Always ahead of the curve, United Cutlery has taken its popular M48 Cyclone Dagger and elevated it to a new level of fierceness! The M48 Cyclone Spear measures in at a whopping 48 7/8" from end to end and has the iconic three spiraling cutting edges, coming down to an incredibly sharp piercing point, that made the Cyclone so sought after. With a 9” cast 2Cr13 stainless steel blade this powerful and a glass-fiber reinforced nylon handle this tough, the spear was built for durability and strong use. Practical applications abound with the massive M48 Cyclone Spear. Includes a molded spear head cover.

  • Model: UC3333
  • Manufactured by: United Cutlery

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